icone home contour bleu

You are a caregiver

Medical time is precious, and technology can release some

Vestalis provides you with all the data you need to monitor your patient at the right time, whether this data comes from connected devices or patient records.
écrans ordinateurs avec les données patients pour le praticien

What we offer

Vestalis offers a single interface giving access to different care plans:

Sleep-disordered breathing (CPAP)

Mechanical ventilation (MV)

Oxygen therapy (O2)

réunion de praticiens hospitaliers

For hospital caregivers

  • An agnostic solution, Vestalis guarantees easy integration with your facility’s information systems.
  • From diagnosis to follow-up, Vestalis helps you manage your patients more efficiently.
  • By facilitating the exchange of information, Vestalis reduces duplication of data entry and promotes care coordination, including with primary care physicians.

For liberal caregivers

  • Easy to install and use, Vestalis integrates into daily workflows.
  • Intelligent filters and alert settings help to personalize care, taking severity criteria into account.
  • Vestalis supports optimal organization of your time, allowing you to allocate it to new patients.
Jeune médecin libéral et patient
Patient en sommeil avec aide respiratoire

For sleep centers

  • Innovative and scalable, Vestalis is part of a continuous improvement process.
  • Vestalis encourages peer-to-peer exchange and the development of your expertise, within an ecosystem that includes scientific societies and patient associations.
  • Research, publications, round tables: your expertise backed by our SaaS technology paves the way for the future of respiratory care journey.

A better-monitored patient receives better care.

  • Greater security and peace of mind in clinical decision-making.
  • A solution that adapts to your workflow and existing systems.
  • A clear, easy-to-understand service offering and scalable functionalities.

Connected healthcare, and remote monitoring in particular, is a relevant response to the need for regular monitoring of the therapeutic effectiveness of treatments.

Vestalis focuses its efforts on respiratory patients treated at home, i.e. over 1.6 million people in France.
For these patients, the need to transmit information is particularly important, in order to target, anticipate and personalize interventions.

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