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About Us

SRETT, publisher of the Vestalis solution

E-health for improved patient care at home.

Our history

From space to healthcare, our expertise in connected objects has been deployed in France and abroad since 2004.
Srett éditeur de la solution Vestalis
Logiciel Vestalis

Key figures



Creation of SRETT in Boulogne-Billancourt (92)



Development of medical solutions:


Vestalis 1.0


Vestalis 2.0




Our mission

About Vestalis

Vestalis is the flagship solution from SRETT, a French software publisher specializing in remote monitoring of chronic respiratory patients. Our teams work closely with homecare providers, healthcare professionals and medical device manufacturers. Together, we are contributing to the growth of homecare based on quality of care and best practices.

Vestalis is a user-oriented solution that requires little infrastructure to deploy. It is compatible with all work environments, invisible yet reassuring for the patient. Vestalis is capable of aggregating all physiological and administrative data relevant to care, whether from connected devices or patient records.

Vestalis is also a scalable technology, capable of integrating technological and regulatory developments in data analysis and deep learning.


SRETT was founded in 2004 by Philippe Salamitou, a graduate of the École normale supérieure. At the beginning of his career, he specialized in data analysis and connected objects, first in the space sector (NASA / MIT) then in the oil industry (Schlumberger). His conviction: making equipment communicate helps to improve work processes, a fortiori in complex, data-critical environments such as energy, defense and medical.
In the healthcare sector, where medical time is in short supply, the search for operational efficiency is a priority. Historically, SRETT’s activities have focused on the industrial world and healthcare players.
The strong growth of each business and the specific features of their respective markets lead to the creation of two separate entities in 2024:
– SRETT Industrie joins forces with Hiber to become a leader in pressure monitoring in explosive zones.
– SRETT becomes a “pure player” in the healthcare sector to assert itself, thanks to Vestalis, as a leader in the digitization of homecare pathways using connected objects.

We are ISO 13485:2003 certified for the design, manufacture and sale of medical devices for measuring and transmitting physiological parameters in the context of chronic respiratory diseases.

They trust us

Y. Gouriou

Director, Medical Service 55
« Thanks to Vestalis, we offer treatment providers centralized access to their patient files in a single location. This improves their collaboration and the care they provide. »
logo Service Médical 55

P. Rixein

Managing director, Adiral
« We’re delighted to have been able to simplify our processes. We now use a single portal for all our CPAP devices. This gives us more time for our patients. »
Logo Adiral

F. Ferreira

CTO, Etialis
« We integrated Vestalis into our IT system without difficulty thanks to SRETT’s excellent work. »
logo Etialis

L. Pastorel

General Manager, SOS Oxygène
« In 2018, all our patients treated with CPAP were monitored. Thanks to Vestalis we were able to transform the data collected into useful information for our patients and their doctors. »
logo SOS Oxygène